Tone down on abusive language, Orengo tells Ruto

Siaya senator, James Orengo yesterday led Siaya leaders in condemning the harsh tone and abusive language that the deputy president and his allies have been using against president Uhuru Kenyatta.

Addressing a political rally at Segere market in Central Alego to drum up support for his gubernatorial bid, Orengo who was accompanied by legislators Samuel Atandi (Alego/ Usonga) and Dr. Christine Ombaka (Siaya woman representative) said the deputy president and his allies should not be using abusive language against the head of state.

He said that president Uhuru Kenyatta was within his democratic rights to support any candidate he chooses to and nobody should abuse him for that.

Alego / Usonga member of parliament, Samuel Atandi defended president Uhuru Kenyatta from allegations that he planned to kill the deputy president’s children.

Siaya woman representative, Dr. Christine Ombaka urged Kenyans to vote wisely during next week’s polls.

The leaders drummed up support for the former prime minister, Raila Odinga and urged the electorate to also vote for the Orange democratic movement candidates.



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