Traders decry the poor state of the market 

Traders in the Kamachege market in Imenti South, Meru County have decried the poor state of the market which they say has been abandoned by county governments over the years.

The market is the second largest banana market in the County after Ntharene which is located in the same sub-county.

“The place is so dusty, which affects our day-to-day business operations. We are therefore asking the newly elected governor Kawira Mwangaza to renovate and provide roofing at the market so that we can carry out our business activities well,” said Morris Kiogora, a trader at the market.

Kiogora claimed that their trading activities were usually hindered mainly during the rainy seasons as they were forced to close down their businesses once the rains start.

The traders are further urging the county government to expand the Nkubu-Kiigene road to avoid traffic snarl-ups at the marketplace during market days since it is located along the highway.

Besides that, the streetlights at the market are also not functional, limiting the number of hours that the traders carry out their operations.

“Loading bananas into trucks has become difficult in the dark since we fear that snakes might bite us. We are therefore asking the county government to replace the light in the middle of the market with a functional one,’’ added Mr Kiogora.

The traders also pointed out that for the last ten years in which the market has been operational, they have never had water installed, which poses great health risks to the traders.

“There is no water at the market and the toilet too is not in a condition to be used since it is dilapidated,” Alice Kanyua, a trader in the market lamented.

They added that if clean water and toilets were constructed at the market, they would collaborate with the county government to ensure that the facilities are well taken care of.



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