Two boys committed to Shimo la Tewa borstal

Loitoktok law court has committed two boys to Shimo la Tewa Borstal Institution for three years after they were found guilty of stock theft.

Samuel Ng’ethe, 17 and Patrick Alvin Njoroge, 15 were convicted and sentenced by Principal Magistrate Judicaster Nthuku for a charge that on January 10, 2022 at Kiwanja Ndege, they stole one cow valued at Sh150, 000 belonging to Moses Nganga.

The two were arrested on the material day after they were found escorting the cow to an unknown destination.

While testifying before the court, Nganga had narrated how on the material day he woke up to find his house locked from outside.

He got out of the house through the window and found one of his cow from a herd of seven missing.

Nganga alerted some neighbours and they followed hoof prints before meeting with a man who told them he had seen two youths escorting a cow.

The two boys were arrested and escorted to Loitoktok Police Station and charged with the offence before been arraigned in court where they denied having committed the offence.

In their defense, they said they were employed by a person called Jimmy to escort the cow looking for a bull for serving.

However, the court found the prosecution had proven the case beyond reasonable doubt and hence the sentence.



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