Two secondary schools to receive buses

Butere MP Tindi Mwale has promised to deliver two buses to Shitswitwi and Shikunga secondary schools before the end of this month.

He said the area NG-CDF embarked on funding schools to acquire buses as a long-term flagship project in the sub-county.

“So far, three schools have benefited from the project. The two buses will be delivered by 25th July this year to facilitate easy movement of the students to various education tours,” he said.

The MP said Buchenya Girls secondary school (West Marama), Inaya secondary school (North Marama) and Manyala mixed secondary school (South Marama) have benefited and acquired 52-seater buses.

Mwale said he has paid a visit to the Central Farmers Garage to assess the bodybuilding of buses meant for Shitswitwi and Shikunga secondary schools. “I am happy with the systematic procedures being undertaken to build the buses and the two buses will be delivered on time,” he promised.

The MP was speaking yesterday in his constituency while inspecting various development projects undertaken by NG-CDF. He also asked the residents to give him another term in the forthcoming general elections to finish the projects he had started and initiate more to benefit them.

“Let us vote wisely and peacefully. Vote for ‘Baba na Mama’ meaning Raila Odinga and Martha Karua and Kenya will be prosperous. I am also pleading with you to give me another term on the ODM ticket,” He said.

The two schools Shitswitwi and Shikunga secondary to receive the bus are in Central Marama ward and Marienyo /Shianda ward respectively.



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