Use affordable housing levy to benefit informal settlement

The United Grassroots Trust organization led by their coordinator Mr Lawarence Apiyo has called for proper utilization of the affordable housing levy to ensure appropriate houses are constructed especially within the informal settlements.

Apiyo’s call came as the world marked the UN Habitat Day where she is the director of the organization. He noted that those residing in slums are in dire need of proper housing.

Apiyo who is the coordinator of national housing rights coalition pointed out that the government must now act to align with and implement the requisite housing laws.

“You are all aware of the 1.5 per cent that you are all being taxed but where is the money going to because so far if you ask the government they will not point at where the money collected so far has gone so definitely as any other tax it has gone to maintenance services and any other but for us therefore we say time is now for the government to work out a proper structure,” noted Apiyo.

He also cautioned that land that has been donated for the housing scheme must not disappear on private hands.

“In this way the government should think of creating something like a house bank solely to finance where you and I can get a cheaper loan for example or get cheaper finance for affordable housing,” noted Apiyo.

Diaspora Editor

Diaspora Editor

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