Women match to campaign for peaceful elections

Hundreds of Women drawn from the Women Guild movement held a peaceful demonstration in Narok town where they urged Narok residents to embrace peace as the election date draws near.

The women from the Presbyterian Church of East Africa (PCEA) matched from street to street to remind traders and town dwellers of their responsibility to promote peace regardless of the political party they subscribe to.

Led by the Narok Parish Women Guild Chairlady Ms. Jane Njeri, the women condemned politicians who use young people to cause violence and asked the youth to ignore such politicians and instead preach peace.

The women who were celebrating 100 years since the movement was started reminded the residents that politics would come and go but the country will remain.

“Why should we hate our neighbours whom we have lived with for many years as brothers and sisters because of an electioneering season? The spirit of brotherhood should continue even after the elections,” emphasized Ms. Njeri.

She called upon the church to be in the frontline of preaching peace, reiterating that the church is the light of the world and had a mandate of preaching peace in the country.

Narok Parish Presiding Minister, Daniel Murimi, praised the women for being in the front line of preaching peace in the community so that the country can have a smooth transition.

“The women are great pillars in society but during violence, they suffer most. That is why they are moving around the town sensitizing the residents to keep peace before, during and after elections,” he said.

He noted, the country was just recovering from Covid-19 pandemic and incase of violence, the economy would be hit harder, hence called on every resident to embrace peace.

“There will always be one person in the office at a time. Let us pray to God to give us the best leaders whom we should respect thereafter even if we did not vote for them,” said Reverend Murimi.



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