Youth encouraged to explore different skills

Chuka University Office of Career Service (OCS) has urged the youth to explore different skills to enable them fit in the competitive job market.

Addressing the media during a careers day programme at the institution Friday, Office of Career Service director Ms. Joyce Mghoi said that most students mismatch their skills, making it hard to transition to the labour market after graduation.

“Students study and fail to transition to the job market because they mismatched their skills with the course they took,” Mghoi said.

She encouraged students to study courses that they are compatible with adding that it was important to have a passion for their courses of study.

Ms. Mghoi further encouraged them to learn the current skills that are marketable in the employment sector in order to secure jobs.

She advised parents to support their children and help them choose the right courses.

“Parents should advise students on courses to study and guide them accordingly but should not force them to take courses they do not want,” added Ms. Mghoi

She advised students to ensure they attend career day programmes when they are organised, to learn more about higher learning institutions and career choices.



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