Youth under Kazi Mtaani program preach peace messages

About 615 youth under the National Hygiene Program, commonly known as ‘Kazi Mtaani’ program in Narok South held a peaceful demonstration at Ololulunga trading in Narok South Sub County calling on the residents to uphold peace during election..

The youths led by 41 supervisors marched along the streets of the busy trading center, carrying a banner with a message of peace, and chanting patriotic slogans.

The area Deputy County Commissioner Felix Kisalu said the youth had suspended their usual clean-up job to preach peace in the cosmopolitan area so that the residents can embrace a peaceful campaign and elections.

“It is good for the young people to be in the frontline of preaching peace because they are the ones used by politicians to cause chaos. They will continue holding peaceful demonstrations until the elections are held,” said the DCC.

Kisalu said apart from the peaceful walk, the young people have been trained to preach peace at their duty areas, public places like churches, and at their homes.

Among the works the youth will be involved in is clearing bushes, planting trees, cleaning drainages and collecting garbage along the road and trading centers.

The youth were selected from the most vulnerable families and earn Sh. 455 daily while their supervisors earn Sh. 505 every day. The program is supervised by the Department of Housing and Urban Development.

“The program was meant to benefit the jobless youth, single mothers and widows who struggle to earn a living in all parts of the sub county,” said the DCC.

The youth also benefit from training which include health, finance, cultural and government programs available to boost them financially.

Kazi Mtaani was first designed in June 2020 to cushion the most vulnerable citizens living in informal settlements from the effects of Covid -19 Pandemic.

The third phase is running from June to August and is expected to cost the taxpayer approximately Sh. 4.8 billion.



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