15 More Sheep Attacked in Kapchemutwa Ward

Fifteen sheep were found dead on Monday morning in Kapkatui, Kapchemutwa ward, after another alleged attack by a mysterious wild animal.

The incident occurs just a few weeks after 20 sheep were killed by a wild animal at Msekekwa Forest Station, Kapchemutwa Ward Keiyo North sub county last week sparking protests from wananchi.

The owner of the 15 sheep, Oliver Kipchirchir recalls having found out what had transpired when he woke up early in the morning and went to check on the sheep only to find them killed.

“I woke up early by 6:30 am and on reaching the sheep’s pen, all the sheep had been attacked and killed, one was outside while the rest were in the pen,” said Kipchirchir.

Kipchirchir pleaded with the relevant authorities to intervene in the matter and help him and others in the area who have suffered losses from wild animals’ attack.

“I am urging the Kenya Wildlife Service to help us by identifying and arresting the situation because we have lost many sheep in this area as a result of attacks from wild animals,” said Kipchirchir.

Another resident Reuben Cheruiyot said the killings continue to impoverish the locals who depend on the sheep to earn their livelihood.

“We are saddened as a community to always wake up to such incidents, the issue of losing sheep has been affecting this area so much and it impoverishing us since we depend on livestock for economic support,” said Cheruiyot.

Cheruiyot said they sell the sheep to pay school fees for their children and meeting other financial needs adding that they were now fearing for their lives and called on KWS to act promptly.

The KWS officers responded to the local’s calls and came to the scene to access the situation and told the community that they are going to act on the matter at hand.



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