8500 Murang’a youth to join Kazi Mtaani programme

More than 8, 500 drawn from all sub counties within Murang’a are set to benefit from phase three of Kazi Mataani programme.

The number of the beneficiaries has doubled from those who participated in phase two of the programme.

Murang’a County Commissioner Mr. Karuku Ngumo said the programme would assist those recruited to earn income thereby cushioning them from financial constraints.

The programme which will run for three months is meant to improve hygiene and clean environment in various premises and areas within the county.

Speaking when he launched the programme at Mjini area within Murang’a town, the commissioner noted that engaging the youth in cleaning activities would help to reduce abuse of alcohol and drugs.

“Murang’a County has experienced the challenge of drugs and substance abuse among the youths and this programme will help keep youth busy hence no time to indulge in drugs,” said the County Commissioner

“The young people will help to keep our environment clean, clear and unblock sewer lines as well as do landscaping in schools and government office compounds,” he added.

Ngumo noted that more ladies applied for the programme underscoring the government’s initiative aimed to give equal chances to male and female to reduce unemployment among young people.

“Out of those youths who turned out to enroll in Kazi mtaani programme, 75 percent happened to be young mothers,” said Ngumo adding that one of the policy requirements is to consider gender parity which sometimes could be a challenge.

Muranga County Director of Housing and Urban Development Wilson Irungu said the Ministry of Housing and Urban Development in collaboration with National Government Administration Officers has been coordinating the Kazi mtaani programme since it started in April 2020.

“The ministry has so far handled successfully phase one and phase two of the programme and now starting on phase three,” said Irungu

Murang’a County Director of Youth Affairs Ruth Njoroge said during the three months of the programme, the department would be working with other government agencies to train the youth on how to manage their funds.

“The training will be on how to save the money that they will get to better their livelihood and entrepreneurial skills,” said Njoroge adding that it would also guide them on how to join welfare groups and Saccos.



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