NCCK Hails IEBC on Peaceful Nominations in Machakos

The County Coordinating Committee (CCC) of the National Council of Churches in Kenya (NCCK) has hailed the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) for conducting peaceful nominations in the county.

Canon Dr. Edward Nzinga, NCCK Machakos chairman and member of the CCC, said they are happy that there was no hooliganism during the nomination period.

Nzinga together with other NCCK and CCC members were addressing the press at PCEA church in Machakos town yesterday.

“We thank the IEBC for doing proper planning and conducting nominations in Machakos peacefully. We are happy there were no instances of hooliganism,” said Nzinga.

He also urged IEBC to continue with the same spirit during the coming general election.

“Even as we look forward to the actual elections in August that proper planning that they have shown should be repeated,” said Nzinga.

He however shared their concern as NCCK that during nominations when IEBC was doing tests, the accuracy was about 40 percent and some instruments were not working.

He implored on the electoral body to go back to the drawing board and plan better in terms of network and actual relaying of results fearing in the event of network failure, the county will experience uneasiness.

Nzinga also urged political leaders to exercise emotional intelligence when addressing citizens so that peace may prevail. “When attending a rally and addressing citizens, when you notice the crowd is becoming hostile do not proceed, just leave for the sake of peace,” added Nzinga.

He also warned the public against going to meetings knowing they do not support the candidate, and then start shouting and insulting the candidate as doing so will disrupt the peace.

“If you know you are not going to vote for this person do not take their money because it is immoral knowing you will not support them,” pointed Nzinga.



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