Lamu West residents urged to credible Leaders

Sisi kwa Sisi Party Lamu West Aspirant Josephat Musembi has urged Lamu residents to vote in only development minded leaders in the coming elections.

Speaking in Bahari Ward, the former Trade and Tourism CEC stated that his manifesto is aimed at creating jobs for Lamu West residents within the constituency’s seven wards.

“My experience as the immediate former CEC exposed me to what needs to be done to create opportunities for youths, many of whom are in need of jobs that became scarce after the COVID-19 crisis,” Musembi said.

He stated that as the Trade and Tourism CEC, he worked closely with the Ministry of Industrialization to create market spaces within Lamu Island and Mpeketoni.

“My bid to run for the Lamu West seat is advised by the work I have already done as a public servant and the impact that I would like to have as an elected leader,” Musembi said.

He revealed plans to push through the Cash Crop Amendment Bill that seeks to revive bixa, cashew nut and coconut farming.

Musembi noted that these are indigenous crops in the coast that if properly revived, could reduce poverty in the region.

“Based on the potential in Lamu West to be an agricultural powerhouse, once elected I will push for cash crops that traditionally grow in Lamu to get the same funding and attention as coffee, tea and flower farming,” he said.

Musembi noted that with the Cash Crop Amendment Bill passed in Parliament there is no reason why cotton farming, cashew nut and bixa farming should see a resurgence.

“The Lamu County government already has plans to set up a ginnery with funds already set aside to facilitate such a facility that would be run by a cotton cooperative in Mpeketoni,” he said.

“Lamu West residents are in dire need of opportunities even within the fishing sector that is still managed like a cottage industry,” Musembi observed.

He stated that he would make proposals and drive the initiative to upscale the fishing industry in Lamu, which he noted has the potential to drive the county’s revenue stream up.

He further said he would push for the Equalization Fund allocation to be disbursed in areas such as Lamu that have lagged behind due to marginalization from successive governments.

“The Equalization Fund would enable the building of more feeder roads in areas that have been hard to reach despite the agricultural potential,” Musembi noted.



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