Aspirant dismisses claims of stepping down

An aspirant for the south Imenti parliamentary seat in Meru County has embarked on a marathon campaign program to counter rumours that he had stepped down in favour of a competitor.

Speaking to the public at Mamuru village in Kirendene location, Jesse Muthomi said he had decided to vie for the seat as an independent candidate, citing unfairness during his party of choice nominations.

‘I found it wise to just retreat for consultation with my supporters across the constituency after the unpleasant party nomination exercise, upon which we collectively resolved that I pursue my dream as an independent candidate,’ Muthomi said.

Muthomi said he had no intention of not appearing in the August 9 general elections ballot papers for south Imenti constituency, contrary to what some of his opponents were wishing he could do.

He said although he was a first time aspirant, nobody had the moral authority to assume he was that naïve not to realize what could easily work against his political ambitions.

Muthomi reiterated that he was determined to successfully battle it out with the self-proclaimed political giants in the race, adding that monetary handouts to the public were not a guarantee that the donor would emerge the winner.

He said he did not have any money to lure the electorate to vote in his favour, but he was convinced that he had what it takes to ably represent the people of south Imenti at the national assembly.

The aspirant, popularly known as MC Jesse said that the so-called veteran politicians in Kenya and internationally were once referred to as first timers just like him, in their time and age.

Muthomi said he had the potential and commitment to mobilize funds from the national government among other sources to ensure existing development projects were fast tracked to completion along with initiating more, in liaison with the people of south Imenti, all towards improving the living standards of the people.

Muthomi is seeking to take over from a long serving area member of parliament, Kathuri Murungi, who has since declared his interest in becoming the next Meru County senator on a UDA ticket, taking over from senator Mithika Linturi who is vying for the Meru County gubernatorial seat.



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