Youths Advised to Shun rogue politicians

Lugari Sub-County Police Commander Bernard Ngungu urged youth not to accept to be used by rogue politicians for their own selfish political gains as August 9 General Elections nears.

Ngungu who was speaking from his office at Sub-County police station in Lumakanda today however called on Lugari residents to work closely with the security agencies to ensure peace prevails in Lugari ahead of general election.

Ngungu said as the country nears general elections in the next 30 days, the youths should keep off hooliganism, rowdy election campaigns, and instead they should prepare to vote in leaders they wish will bring development and peace.

“It is our collective responsibility to ensure this Sub-County maintains the peace we are enjoying, before, during and after August general elections,” Ngungu said.

The Sub-County police commander warned that police will arrest youths involved in chaotic campaigns as enough of the security agencies network has been put on high alert to ensure peaceful elections are realised.

“Leaders who want to use you, cause chaotic campaign scenes should be avoided by all means because the results will be disastrous on your side,” Ngungu advised youths.

The police boss asked the youths to engage political leaders objectively and peacefully while rallying behind leaders who have the interests of the community at heart.

To political leaders, Ngungu advised them to follow the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission election rules to avoid being disqualified at the last minute.

He said political leaders seeking to be elected should observe law and order and seek votes from the electorates peacefully.

Ngungu on the other hand, warned that police will continue cracking down on chang’aa dens within the Sub-County which ruined lives of many youths and families.

He revealed that police have arrested several owners of chang’aa dens in Soweto village, Munyuki Location whom he blamed for encouraging brewing and consumption of outlawed elicit brew.



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