Machakos County government prioritizes the health sector

Machakos County Government has promised to improve on the health sector in its first a hundred days.

Governor Wavinya Ndeti assured of sorting issues in Machakos hospitals which include lack of enough medical supplies and promotion of health workers.

“About the hospitals, we’ll sort the challenges there which include lack of enough medicine, laboratory equipment as well as make the working environment conducive for our health workers including promotions which make them demotivated and end up striking,” said Ndeti.

“I’ve spoken to the MCAs and we’ve agreed that our first priority will be the health sector, we’ll work together to ensure that is done,” she added.

While addressing the press after a church service at Our Lady of Lords Cathedral Church in Machakos Town, Ndeti said she will ensure that the health sector improves and also ordered a quick clean-up of the County.

“I know there is a lot of garbage everywhere, I want to tell those responsible for garbage collection to do their work, places like Mlolongo had such an issue but I’m happy yester night, they cleaned up the place, I am a woman and want to see my county clean,” she said.

Ndeti also urged the county workers responsible for cleaning to feel free to present their challenges to her for a better working environment and service to the Machakos town people.

“If there is a problem any worker is facing, my office is open, the door is open, come and tell me where the problem is, and we’ll be able to sort it out,” said Ndeti.

Ndeti also said that there will be funds set aside for the women and the youth to start and boost their businesses.

“In Machakos County, as I said in my manifesto, we’ll have Wikwatyo fund which will assist the women, not only women but also the youth and also men to start and also boost their businesses,” said Ndeti.

Other than the fund, the County intends to develop a program to provide people with various skills that will benefit them.

“For any woman or youth who wants to pursue a certain course, we’ll come up with a program called Machakos youth service to ensure they are trained after which we’ll facilitate them with the necessary equipment to start their own businesses and also give them table banking money,” said Ndeti.



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