A family in Kanunga seek help for their ailing mother’s medication

A 70-year-old ailing woman is appealing to the government to help her meet medical expenses lamenting she has exhausted all her resources.

Mary Nyakinyua was diagnosed with mild stroke in December 2020 which has left her on a wheelchair and has since spent close to Sh5 million shillings on hospital bills.

According to her 50-year old son Moses Mwaniki the battle seems lost and the only way to save his mother’s life is putting one of his kidneys for sale if help does not come their way.

Mwaniki who is also appealing to the government and well-wishers to financially assist the family said they recently sold the last piece of family land to raise money for their mother’s treatment and the same has been depleted.

“Our mother uses at least Sh10,000 monthly on drugs and doctors’ consultation fee, Sh500 on adult diapers daily, and another Sh10,000 on therapy which is no longer affordable as we have exhausted everything we had,” lamented Mwaniki.

“I have four children; two in high school, my wife and I double up as the caregiver to our mother, I hardly live in the house, I have to feed them and pay rent. Overwhelmed by these responsibilities, initially I had contemplated ending my life,” he said.

With the cost of living skyrocketing the family feels hard-pressed to the edge that even putting food on the table is now a daunting challenge and sometimes have to depend on food donations from neighbours.

“My mother’s condition is worsening daily, as we speak she hasn’t had any medication for the last two weeks, she also hasn’t been into therapy for the better part of this year, I am urging anyone who can buy my kidney to contact me,’’ added Mwaniki.

“We believe in our Government and its leaders therefore we urge President Uhuru Kenyatta, Kiambu governor James Nyoro and women rep Gathoni wa Muchomba to help our family moreso our ailing mother,” he added.

His wife Peris Njoki said life had become unbearable and is also asking for help since they are on the verge of losing their home due to rent arrears. “As we speak we have rent arrears amounting to Sh48,000 and the landlord is on our neck. He wanted to remove the roof and has already given us notice to vacate,’’ she lamented.



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