A Murang’a water firm feted for quality services

A water firm in Murang’a County has been ranked as one of best performing water companies in the country.

In a recent report released by the Water Services Regulatory Board (WASREB), Murang’a Water and Sanitation Company (Muwasco) was ranked the best in Athi region which has 32 water firms.

The company was feted for among other indicators, increased water connections in the year 2020/2021 and also for providing quality water to its customers. The Athi region covers the counties of Murang’a, Nairobi, Kiambu and Kajiado.

In the period of review, the company connected more than 1, 000 households including about 500 connected to vulnerable families. The firm’s communication officer Jacob Mbuthia said nationally the company scooped position 3 after Nyeri and Nakuru water firms.

He underscored the great achievement Muwasco has done to ensure its customers get quality and uninterrupted water.

In its assessment, WASREB used key performance indicators including universal water coverage, governance, Customer Service, water quality, non-revenue water losses, staff productivity, metering among others.

Muwasco has attained 96 percent water coverage at its area of jurisdiction which includes Murang’a town and surrounding areas. Mbuthia noted that the firm has also done well in reducing non-revenue water losses from 25 to 20 percent.

“In December last year, the company also waived accrued water bills amounting to more than Sh500,000 to the less fortunate families and has continued to accelerate universal access to water and sanitation through its social connections policy,” he added.

One of Murang’a residents Archibald Macharia lauded the company saying it has consistently provided water despite harsh climatic conditions.

“This region has been hit by prolonged dry weather but Muwasco has never rationed water. We always get water in our taps unless there is routine maintenance,” he added on Sunday.

Vicar General of ACK Murang’a North Diocese Rev Wilson Vurungu praised the company for ensuring people get treated water thus helping curtailing water borne diseases.

Vurungu called on the company to continue providing better services and spearhead conservation of the environment which will ensure continued water supply.

“The company has generally done well in terms of water provision and we want to challenge its management to continue with good work and also check areas where there are hurdles and rectify them so that people continue to access clean water.

Water is life and all projects meant to provide water to God’s people need to be supported all the time,” he added.



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