A school girl killed by a crocodile in Tana River

A standard five school girl at Makere primary school in Tana River was attacked and killed by a crocodile while crossing River Tana from her father’s shamba in Mikaoni area, Bubu Sub Location in Makere location of Tana River County yesterday.

Confirming the incident today on telephone, Makere location Chief Mr. Rashid Bauri Abdallah said the girl,Mwanahamu Omari had gone to the shamba but when she was coming back home in the evening yesterday, while crossing the overflowing river Tana, she was grabbed by the crocodile and killed.

Chief Abdallah said the body was retrieved by villagers of Bubu village today at about 6.30 am.

He said the body was taken to Hola, Tana River Referral hospital for postmortem and it will be buried today.

Chief Abdallah cautioned area residents against crossing over the overflowing River Tana that is infested by crocodiles while calling on the parents to ensure their children do not cross the river unaccompanied by adults.



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