Acute water shortage hits Hola town and environs

About 10,000 residents of Hola Town and its surrounding areas have been experiencing severe water shortage for the past one week following power disconnection at Hola water supply station.

Speaking to the press at Hola water Supply station, Tana River Water and Sewerage Company (TAWASCO) Managing director Engineer William Jillo said, Kenya Power disconnected electricity due to Sh8 million water bill.

Engineer Jillo said from last week Friday, TAWASCO administration was working hand in hand with the Tana River County government to clear the said bill for water supply to be restored.

Addressing the press, one of the water consumers Ms. Khadija Komora said, area residents have been forced to fetch water from River Tana endangering their lives as the river is infested with hungry crocodiles.

Ms. Komora blamed TAWASCO for collecting water bills and yet fail to pay for electricity.



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