Agency train Kisumu boda boda operators

A government agency has embarked on a road safety campaign to sensitise boda boda operators on road safety to reduce road accidents in Kisumu City.

Lake Victoria South Water Works Development Agency (LVSWWDA) distributed over 1000 reflector jackets to bodabodas operating within Nyalenda and Milimani estates on Thursday as part of the drive.

The LVSWWDA Ag. CEO Chrispine Juma said the organization is keen in creating road safety awareness among the motorcycle operators during the campaign period.

Politicians are fond of branding and using bodabodas to campaign due to their ability to penetrate deep into remote villages with little or no regard for traffic rules.

The CEO said the Agency would continuously run the initiative to help bring sanity to the roads of Kisumu City.

According to reports from the Kenya National Transport and Safety Authority, 1,912 fatalities were recorded as of May 30, 2022 with the majority of the road accidents being human-related.



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