All Kenyan children will go to school under my administration, declares Raila

Azimio La Umoja-One Kenya alliance presidential candidate Raila Odinga, has promised to prioritize education, development of infrastructure, social protection, health, women and youth empowerment once he ascends to power.

Speaking in Kilgoris over the weekend, where he held three rallies, Raila said that under his leadership, no Kenyan child will fail to go to school because of lack of fees as he defended his decision to pick Martha Karua as his running mate.

He stressed that once he assumes power, education will be made free from primary to university.

“My leadership will be a government for all and it is for this reason that I picked ‘Iron Lady’, Martha Karua, to be my running mate.

I strongly believe in the strength of a woman and in the same breath our youth won’t be left out of the decision making process,” Raila said.

On infrastructure, Raila said that his leadership will see roads in the region receive a major uplift explaining that Sotik- Kilgoris, Kilgoris- Awendo, and Kilgoris-Lolgorian- Kehancha roads will be targeted.

In a region where livestock keeping is a major economic activity, Raila said that a meat industry will be set up in Narok County to ensure value addition on beef products, which will be later exported, a move he explained will help farmers fetch more profits.

Labelling the August poll as a historic moment in the history of Kenya, Raila said that it will mark the third liberation of the nation only if, the right people are elected in office.

” The first liberation was Kenya getting its independence from the whites, the second one was the implementation of the current Constitution and third one will be a liberation to mark recovery of our economy, which will only be achieved at the ballot,” he said.

Accompanying Raila were Peter Kenneth, legislators Gideon Konchellah ( Kilgoris), Simba Arati ( Dagoretti North), Junet Mohammed ( Suna East), Ledama Ole Kina ( Narok), Richard Moitalel Ole Kenta ( Narok North) among others..

Ole Kenta who is eyeing the Narok County gubernatorial seat, said that leaders from the region are determined to ensure Raila’s presidency becomes a reality.

Arati said once he is elected governor, Kisii County and Ole Kenta given the Narok County gubernatorial seat, the two will strive to ensure unity of the people of Maasai and Gusii.



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