Azimio plans to front one candidate in various elective positions

Azimio-One Kenya Alliance running mate Martha Karua has said by the end of June they will strive to have one candidate in areas where there are many aspirants from the Alliance.

Karua speaking during a meeting held in Murang’a on Saturday observed that having one candidate will assist the Azimio-One Kenya Alliance to have many elected leaders.

She observed that the alliance will conduct open negotiations with all aspirants and agreed to support whoever is popular.

“The exercise will be fair and we will bring on board all aspirants from the affiliated parties in the Alliance and agree who will vie on behalf of Azimio. The exercise will be done before June 30,” said Karua when she met Community Health volunteers drawn from the county.

She continued: “we don’t want to have many candidates from Azimio seeking one seat which may make us lose the position to our opponents.”

Karua further called on Murang’a residents to elect leaders of integrity in all elective positions starting from MCA to president.

“Let’s not just think of the seat of president, every elective position is very important and I request you to elect leaders you know will serve you better. The leaders at the county level are very important since they are entrusted with devolved funds,” she added.

The NARC Kenya leader explained that Azimio leadership can be trusted with resources of the country saying under the leadership of Raila Odinga, corruption will not be tolerated.

“Kenyans have lacked better services due to corruption. If all loopholes are sealed, the promises by the Azimio-One Kenya alliance which are enumerated in our manifesto will be realized.” She added.

Karua drummed support for Azimio presidential candidate saying Raila has a history for fighting for betterment of Kenyans.

“No one can say he does not know who Raila is; he has been in the political arena for a long time. His contributions to liberate the country are well known and I have confidence that if takes over the mandate to lead the nation, our economy will be revived,” she added.

Leaders who accompanied Karua exuded confidence that the alliance will form the next government.

Murang’a gubernatorial aspirant Jamleck Kamau explained that public hospitals lack drugs due to corruption.

He said the only government which will fight corruption is the one to be trusted to provide better services to Kenyans.

Kamau promised to employ community health volunteers and ensure they are all put in the county government’s system within 90 days of his administration if he ascends to power.



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