Kang’ata yet to be cleared by IEBC after concerns raised over resignation of his running mate

Murang’a gubernatorial aspirant Dr. Irungu Kang’ata has accused his opponents for raising unfounded claims aimed to bar his running mate from being cleared by IEBC.

On Monday, when the aspirant and his running mate Dr. Winnie Mwangi arrived at the IEBC offices in Murang’a town, they were shown a petition attached to a letter from Ethics and Ant-corruption Commission (EACC) alleging that Mwangi did not resign from University of Nairobi within the required time by the law.

Kang’ata termed the raised allegations as baseless saying his running mate has met all requirements and it is matter of time before they are cleared to seek for Murang’a gubernatorial seat.

He accused his competitors of using unorthodox ways to bar his running mate who is a well renowned and qualified scholar.

“After arriving at the IEBC offices, we were shown a letter which was written after some people claimed my running mate didn’t resign on time. Those are just allegations and I want to assure my supporters that we will be on the ballot come August 9 elections,” stated Kang’ata.

The county Election Manager Ms Saumu Chirchir gave Kang’ata till Tuesday evening to sort out the allegations before they are cleared.

“Am sure my running mate resigned at the right time and we will prove our opponents wrong. They are trying to use unfounded issues which will not stop us from being on the ballot,” averred the UDA candidate.

He continued “it’s a shame for my opponents to aim their guns at my deputy who is a lady and who has worked at the university for many years. Let’s wait for the verdict of Murang’a people but not to use unsubstantiated ways to bar Dr. Mwangi from being cleared.”

Kang’ata alleged the issues are raised by the government to weaken his candidate saying the UDA party is very popular in Murang’a County.

So far three candidates including Jamleck Kamau (Jubilee), Irungu Nyakera (Farmers Party) and Wairagu wa Maai (DP) have been cleared to vie for Murang’a governorship.

On her party, Dr. Mwangi said they were surprised by the latter from EACC insinuating that she has not complied with section 43(5) of the Election Act purporting she did not resign on the stipulated date by the law.

The people behind this are distractors and are about to derail their candidature for Murang’a governorship. I want to tell the detractors that we are ethical, professionals and people who abide by the law. We have met all requirements as required by the law and am sure IEBC will clear us,” she added.

She asked the other competitors to base their campaigns on issues but not witch-hunt, saying together with Kang’ata they are people of good morals and high integrity.

Their lawyer, Gachie Mwanza termed the letter sent to IEBC as malicious saying he went through the content of the raised allegations which are aimed to tarnish the reputation of Dr. Mwangi.

He promised to explore the law and have his clients cleared to run for the seat in the forthcoming elections



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