Baringo gets first woman assembly clerk

Jubilation erupted at Baringo County Assembly after Members of County Assembly (MCA) approved and swore in the first woman as clerk.

Winnie Jepkemoi Chemase floored ten men shortlisted to emerge the winner after scoring 94 percent in a competitive interview conducted by County Assembly Service Board.

During the session dominated by politics presided over by Speaker David Kiplagat that lasted for about three hours, Kolowa MCA Solomon Makal who is the board’s vice chairperson pleaded with members to consider the candidate who emerged first after conclusion of the recruitment process.

Makal while moving a motion to seek her approval stated that Ms. Chemase, currently acting as the assembly clerk was the best placed candidate having served as deputy clerk under two former clerks, Joseph Koech who was impeached for abuse of office and financial impropriety and Richard Koech who resigned in February to pursue political ambitions.

“I am urging this honourable house to approve Ms. Chemase because she has demonstrated a high level of competences and experience as evidenced in the interview results,” he said.

Nominated MCA Purity Talam who rose to second the motion stated that they had donned on women head turbans to show support to their fellow colleague who hails from Mogotio Sub County.

Talam expressed optimism that Ms. Chemase would be picked for the position so that she could immediately assume the docket which has been vacant for quite some time now.

Saphina Chelagat, a nominated MCA, celebrated Chemase as a very committed person who demonstrated resilience while discharging her duties as deputy clerk.

Chelagat noted that Ms. Chemase has been attending interviews for the post in vain but this time round, it was her God given chance.

She said that the appointment is an example of someone who has risen through the ranks and had feminine touch in the position.

“We as women are happy because the single opportunity is a great milestone for Baringo at large having a woman in such a position to serve the people,” she said.

Loyamorok MCA Maria Losile said the appointment would motivate young ladies especially from North Rift region to aspire for such a top position at county level.

However, during the debate, a section of MCAs opposed the appointment saying they were dissatisfied with the candidate picked to lead them as clerk.

Silale MCA Nelson Lotela and his Barwessa counterpart Richard Barwecho openly termed the appointment as a wrong choice alleging that the candidate has continuously caused divisions between MCAs and staff.

Lotela in his contribution lamented that the new clerk has trust issues with more than 90 percent of the staff working at the assembly.

Barwecho reiterated that the interview results where the new clerk scored 94 percent is questionable since she is an officer whose performance they knew very well.

The Barwessa MCA noted that if the new appointee does not change her ways, she might face impeachment by the next house just like the first clerk.



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