Cleared Aspirants Asked to Conduct Peaceful Campaigns

Candidates aspiring for different political positions during August 9 General Elections in Lugari Constituency have been asked to conduct peaceful campaigns while ensuring their supporters stick to law and order.

The appeal was made during a meeting that brought together Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission officials, Lugari Sub-County security and intelligence committee, 12 Member of Parliament aspirants, and 84 aspirants for Members of County Assembly.

The meeting at Lumakanda Quakers Church chaired by outgoing Deputy County Commissioner William Lenaremo dwelled mainly on how aspirants cleared by the IEBC can refrain from hate speech and incitement to violence.

Lenaremo said the government security machinery together with IEBC were on high alert to deal with any candidate that violates campaigns electoral laws including barring them from contesting.

The DCC said the candidates should sell their agenda and ideas to electorates without causing havoc, harm, or tension in areas they will be campaigning.

“Using hired goons to cause chaos against your opponent will not work this time because you can be disqualified,” Lenaremo said.

He insisted that candidates should stick to their campaign schedules to avoid situations where candidates meet at one point which may result in tension or chaos.

Lenaremo said Lugari constituency is cosmopolitan with almost all Kenyan sub-tribes represented which calls for a well packaged campaign messaging that does not discriminate against the marginalized or minorities.

The Sub-County Security Committee Chair warned the aspirants against alcohol consumption by their supporters during campaigns in the interest of peace and order.

Jeremiah Kerich Lugari Sub-County IEBC Coordinator said aspirants should always reign over their supporters not to engage in chaos and spoiling opponents’ posters.

Kerich said IEBC rules and regulations will apply the moment an aspirant engages in chaotic campaigns that threatens peace enjoyed by the public.

Lugari Sub-County Police Commander Bernard Ngungu promised that police and the entire security team will work with all aspirants without favour.

Ngungu however asked the aspirants to inform the police in advance of their campaign schedule so that they can be given protection and always report any security threat to them for immediate action.

The IEBC used the occasion to unveil 12 MP aspirants and 84 MCAs together with ballot symbols. Candidates submitted their signatures to the election body after confirmation of names order and their symbols.

The meeting was also attended by the incoming Lugari Sub-County DCC Moses Gicharu who was welcomed by his outgoing counterpart Mr. Lenaremo.



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