Woman pleads guilty to stabbing husband

A 22-year-old woman who was arraigned before an Eldoret court for allegedly stabbing his husband, has pleaded guilty to the offense, arguing she did so in self-defence.

Ruth Chepkurui, a mother of one confessed before the court that she stabbed her estranged boyfriend in the stomach, following a domestic feud.

The accused who appeared before Eldoret Chief Magistrate, Dennis Mikoyan, charged with assault, however, claimed that she was defending herself from the aggrieved man, whom she alleged wanted to terminate her life.

Chepkurui said she attacked her lover, James Rorman, over allegations of extramarital affairs, adding she regretted the brutal act.

“Your honour, I am remorseful of what happened, I was only defending myself from my hostile boyfriend, little did I expect to injure him,” she pleaded with the Court.


The complainant was rushed to Moi Teaching and Referral Hospital, Eldoret, in critical condition, where he was admitted for six days and was discharged on June 3.

A medical examination Report from the Hospital stated the victim had been seriously wounded.

Thee accused is alleged to have attacked the complainant on the night of May 26, 2022, at Boma village in Turbo Sub-county within Uasin Gishu County.

“On the night of the incident we had commotion, only to learn that the accused confronted her husband upon learning he was having an affair with another woman and it was during the confrontation that she stabbed the husband in the stomach,” said one of her neighbors outside the court, after the accused pleaded guilty.

After pleading guilty, the court-ordered probation officers to do a social inquiry about the general character of the accused before she is sentenced.

The case will be mentioned on June 27, 2022.



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