Committee faults Vihiga Road contractor

The contractor working on 7.8 kilometre Mbale-Mbihi-Magada road has been given up to three months to finish the works.

The construction which was launched by the area Member of Parliament Ernest Kagesi early December 2021 was supposed to be completed in six months but has fallen behind the schedule.

Eng. Joseph Wanyama, the Kenya Rural Roads Authority western regional director, took issue with Bridgestone Construction Company as only 20 per cent of the work has so far been done.

The road is to be upgraded to the bitumen standard but so far mainly the earth works have been carried out with a little graveling.

Speaking during the site visit by the County Development Implementation Coordination Committee, Eng. Wanyama criticized the contractor saying there was no justification for the delay as the advance payment had been effected.

The road is intended to extend for another 20 Kms from Magada to Wemilabi and then ultimately to Luanda township.

The County Commissioner Susan Waweru expressed dissatisfaction with the quality of the works as the roadside drainage system was lacking.

Waweru warned the contractor that he risked losing the contract and being made to refund the money so far disbursed unless the work is executed within the extended period.

Derrick Angehi from the Presidential Delivery Unit asked the contractor to mobilize adequate machinery including the graders, rollers, excavators and tippers in order to hasten the works.



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