Construction of stormwater drainage disrupts businesses in Hola

Hola municipality traders are counting losses as other businesses close up due to the disruption caused by the ongoing construction of the stormwater drainage system.

The traders lamented that the construction is taking too long, thus, due to a lack of customers, some traders have even opted to relocate their businesses.

They alleged that the municipality did not conduct public participation before they commenced the project which has led to the closure of one of the main roads in Hola town for more than two months now.

“It (the construction) caught us unaware as no notice was given. No proper planning on how to go about it, the whole road is closed. The dust and noise from the construction activities are just unbearable,” lamented Gladys Muchiri, a boutique trader.

She went on, “so many businesses had to shut down because one side of the road was completely inaccessible and many structures were demolished to pave way for the construction,”.

However, Hola Municipality manager Jacob Jarha insisted they held consultative meetings with the traders. He also promised that by the end of June, the contractor will hand over the site upon completion. He revealed that the works stalled due to delayed payment but which they are processing.

He said, “It is a very normal scenario in any ongoing construction works and indeed there was an agreement between us and traders. The construction is within the agreed time frame. We hope to pay the contractor by end of today so that he can resume work,”.



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