Covid-19 vaccination drive

Public Health Officials in Nyando Sub-county have carried out a ten day COVID-19 vaccination exercise in a bid to increase the number of residents who have received the vaccine.

In an exercise dubbed,Accelerated COVID-19 vaccination campaign, which started Monday 18th July and ends today the officers pitched camp in schools, market centres and churches to allow residents opportunities to receive the vaccine.

The Sub-County Public Officer Lucas Ofwaya asked the residents who did not benefit from the exercise to go to any health facilities in the area and ensure they get vaccinated to prevent the virus.

He said that the health facilities were open to everyone and that the vaccine was available to everyone who goes for it.

Ofwaya who was talking to KNA at Awasi, asked the residents who had received the first dose to ensure they got the second dose and the booster to guard them against infection.



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