Embu Governor moves to revive ailing health sector

A few days after taking reigns of leadership of Embu County, Governor Cecily Mbarire has hit the ground running with the first task being revival of the ailing health system.

During her inaugural speech on Thursday last week, the governor said her first priority would be to revive the county health care system which she said was on its deathbed.

During an inspection tour cum fact finding mission of the county main health facility, Embu Level Five Hospital, on Monday, Ms Mbarire came face to face with the deplorable state of the facility that was just a shadow of its former glory.

She lamented the poor state of affairs in the facility raging from shortage of drugs, beddings and foodstuffs, all of which she said were attributable to poor funding, mismanagement and corruption.

“The one biggest challenge we have noted is that there is no food to give to patients since the suppliers are no longer willing to continue bringing in supplies owing to outstanding bills,” she said.

She said the facility also lacked adequate beddings forcing relatives coming to visit their patients to carry along with them bedsheets and blankets.

She continued, “It is also clear that there is short supply of drugs and other consumables and in a nutshell, the main challenge in this hospital is lack of proper budgetary allocation.”

She said they were determined to turn around the health sector as a matter of urgency to alleviate the sufferings of patients who had been forced to seek treatment in private hospitals or outside the county.

Her Deputy Kinyua Mugo said they will decisively deal with drug theft syndicate that has been associated with the facility.

“We are not here to victimise anybody but to ensure things are done the right way going forward,” he said.

Kirimari Ward Rep Ibrahim Swale promised to push for legislation that will see the facility get increased funding.



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