Embu scrap metal dealers optimistic government reforms will curb illegal dealings

Embu Scrap Metal Dealers Association has expressed their confidence in the government’s efforts to curb illegal dealings in scrap metal business saying that the move would ease doing business.

On January 20, President Uhuru Kenyatta banned the scrap metal business in Kenya over what he termed as deliberate destruction of public infrastructure while sourcing for the materials that led to vandalism of road furniture and power transmission lines whose materials were later traced to warehouses belonging to scrap metal dealers.

“As of today, we will no longer allow, and we have put a moratorium on the export or buying or selling of any scrap material until we have put in place proper guidelines that will ensure that material is not coming from the hard-won investments that Kenyan people have made,” said the President.

The association’s chair Gabriel Munyutu said that the ban caused them unprecedented losses vowing that once they start operating, they would not condone any illegal dealings by any scrap metal dealers that might cost them.

Munyutu said that many scrap metal dealers in Embu were rendered jobless and that they would make sure that they register fully with the Ministry of Industrialization so that they are compliant with the law to give them a safe operating ground.

The chair said that the government’s directive to ensure that all scrap metal dealers in Kenya form associations would help weed out scrap metal dealers who might have the intention of operating illegal deals in the sector.

He said that any scrap metal dealer who might relocate their business would be subjected to serious vetting and scrutiny before being allowed to operate in Embu County.

Deputy County Commissioner Embu West Mercy Gatobu said that Embu has formed a county multiagency committee that would be responsible for vetting scrap metal dealers in the county to ensure that all scrap metal dealers in the county were compliant with the law and operate within the set guidelines by the government.

Embu County Industrial Development officer Dominic Lidigu said that the government has put in place good guidelines that would curb illegal scrap metal dealers.

Lidigu said that once a scrap metal dealer obtained a registration license from the Ministry of Industrialization, Trade and Enterprise Development, it would be a must for the registered scrap metal dealer to be registered with a scrap metal association within their area of trade.

He said the mandatory scrap metal associations registration would help the scrap metal dealers for self-regulation. The association also gives its members the mandate to vet themselves and weed out any individual who might be engaging in illegal scrap metal business.

The Industrialization Development Officer said that the associations would also play a role of ensuring that no scrap metal dealer would be involved in vandalism of government projects.



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