Government launch 3rd Phase of Kazi Mtaani initiative

The government has launched the third phase of the Kazi Mtaani Programme after The Treasury set aside funds it.

The expanded phase is aimed at creating job opportunities for more than 8000 youths in Kirinyaga County as well as enabling them to engage in self-employment during this electioneering period.

While launching the programme at Kerugoya Stadium Monday, Kirinyaga County Commissioner Moses Ivuto said the Kazi Mtaani phase three would run for next 3 months ending in September.

Ivuto said while this is not a permanent job, it was an opportunity for the youths to get some money to sustain themselves while looking for greener pastures.

“I want thank you for turning up in large numbers to participate in this third phase of Kazi Mtaani. It shows many youths are willing to take the opportunity,” Ivuto Said

He also noted the programme would keep them busy hence the politicians would not misuse them to disrupt peace during campaigns by offering them little tokens to disrupt opponents’ rallies.

“This is the right time to engage youths as we move forward because youths constitute a large number in our population. We want youths to actively participate in peace making in this campaign and election period,” he added.

The beneficiaries will be paid Sh450 per day while their supervisors will get Sh505 and they will operate on two shifts, each working for 10 days a month till the programme ends.

“Some youths follow politicians the whole day and end up with Sh100 only. This programme is much important and pays more,” Ivuto noted.

“Everyone has a right to be in any political party. You may harm your friend because he/she is in another political party but tomorrow he will be on your side. Let’s help each other in maintaining peace because this is not the first or last election,” The commissioner noted.

The programme covering over 8666 youths in the whole Kirinyaga County will be rolled out to all sub-counties, with priority given to densely populated areas.

Kirinyaga Central Deputy County Commissioner (DCC) Daniel Ndege urged the youths to take the initiative seriously and use the little finance from the programme to start their own businesses.

“Take this programme seriously and with the little you get, please start a small business,” Ndege urged.

The President in his remarks during last year’s Mashujaa Day promised the Kazi Mtaani Programme would be continued because it had positively impacted the lives of hundreds of thousands of youth.



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