Governor Mvurya pledges to leave a lasting legacy in education

Kwale County Governor Salim Mvurya has hailed teachers for the role they play in uplifting education standards in the county.

Governor Mvurya said his administration’s brainchild, the ‘Elimu ni Sasa’ programme, owes its success to the teachers who have partnered well with the devolved unit, parents, students and other education stakeholders.

“You play a major role in the success of this unique education programme that has transformed the sector and individuals in our county,” said Mvurya further commending them for their efforts in grooming the young population.

He noted that education is the key to the development and progress of any society and asked residents to pay attention to the education of their children.

Mvurya who is serving his second and final term as Governor said the tool to address ignorance, poverty and disease is education and called on parents to make their children’s education a priority.

He was addressing school heads and members of school management boards from the entire county who celebrated this years’ Kwale County Education Day at Baraza Park in Kwale.

Kwale Education Day was meant to recognize best performance across the coastal county.

“Education has been a major policy thrust of my administration since the inception of devolution in 2013 and the reason for the considerable amount of resources and effort spent on education,” he said, stressing on the need to protect the interest and visions of children.

Governor Mvurya said about 6,000 local students in national schools are receiving 100 per cent scholarship, nearly 4,000 in universities and more than 60,000 in ordinary schools under the programme.

He said in addition, the county government has spearheaded the construction of over 500 Early Childhood Development Centres (ECD) across the four sub-counties of Matuga, Msambweni, Lunga Lunga and Kinango.

“This scholarship programme has lifted Kwale which in the past was found at the tail end in terms of educational performance nationally, to the national limelight and we are spending Sh.400 million on education annually,” he said.

The county boss appealed to learners to repay their parents’ trust and the county’s investment in them with excellence and best of character.

Mvurya noted that his administration has come to the realization that school environments largely determine the quality and character of students produced.

The governor said education is the key to a brighter future for both boys and girls and urged area residents to invest in the education of their children.

Top performing schools, students and teachers in the last KCPE and KCSE were rewarded trophies, certificates and various presents.

Matuga Girls Secondary School emerged the best followed by Kwale High School while Masimbani Primary School was the best public primary school.

During the event many primary and secondary school teachers were rewarded with gifts for their commitment and excellent service to boost the delivery of quality education in the county.

The Governor congratulated the recipients and urged them to serve as the county’s Ambassadors of Excellence.

Mvurya said the merit award was institutionalized in fulfillment of his pledge to raise the bar of excellence in education in the region and make the teaching service a rewarding profession.

Officials of the teachers’ organizations and officers from the Ministry of Education hailed the Elimu ni Sasa Initiative and the Mvurya administration terming it transformational from which Kwale residents and thousands of students have benefited tremendously.



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