Governor Promises Continuity of Development in the County

Meru County governor Kiraitu Murungi has urged residents of Igembe to re-elect him for a second term to accomplish the already begun developments.

Kiraitu was addressing various women groups at Ithima Vocational Training Institute in Igembe central sub-county where he expressed his confidence that he will beat his opponents come August 9th for his track records speaks for itself

He expressed that he has initiated many projects during his tenure including digging over 170 boreholes particularly in dry areas of Igembe region and also putting capbos in all market and town centres.

Kiraitu further thanked the residents for having faith in his leadership for those five years he has served as their governor and urged them to give him another chance to make Meru County greater.

He promised to hire more instructors in vocational training institutes and Early Childhood development education (ECDE) teachers in the next term to curb shortage of human resource in learning institutions.

“I will ensure more ECDE teachers and instructors in Vocational training centres are hired so that our children can be handled with care and professionalism,” he said.

He also urged other leaders to unite wananchi and shun from divisive politics which causes conflicts among members of the community.

Kiraitu further called upon leaders to stop politicking miraa and focus their efforts on looking for more markets for miraa and other agricultural produce.

In the same breath he urged leaders to look for lasting solutions to curb problems facing the county such as food insecurity and rampant unemployment among youths.



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