Gubernatorial candidates cast their votes

Two Gubernatorial Candidates, Fernandez Baraza and Cleophas Malala have cast their votes as voting continues across Kakamega county.

Barasa voted at 8am at Bulimbo primary school, Kholera Ward in Matungu constituency while Malala cast his vote at Bukhungu stadium polling station at around 1200pm.

After voting, Malala urged voters to turn up in large numbers exuding confidence that he will clinch the gubernatorial position.

He said the county was peaceful and thanked the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission(IEBC) for a seamless exercise.

“Everything is going on well and I have seen competent IEBC staff. We are trying to mobilize our people to come and vote,” he noted.

He said he will be ready to concede defeat in case he loses the election, urging his competitors to also be ready to do the same.

Apart from Barasa of Orange Democratic Movement(ODM)and Malala of Amani National Congress(ANC), the gubernatorial race has attracted other candidates such as Cyrus Jirongo (UDP), Suleiman Sumba (Kanu), Samuel Omukoko (Maendeleo Democratic Party), Michael Osundwa and Austine Opitso (independents).

The gubernatorial election has however been characterized by low voter turnout as candidates urge voters to come out in large numbers and exercise their civic right before the day ends.



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