Health care for the elderly

Community health care workers in Nakuru County today commended the government’s improved services saying the National Insurance Fund (NHIF) has reduced the financial and social care for the elderly.

The Director for Rafa Home Care Center, David Maina said in the past the elderly, hardly went to the hospital whenever they felt unwell due to lack of funds and neglect by family members.

However, with the stipend from the Inua Jamii programme, a number of them pay for their NHIF membership and it even enables them to get treatment in nearby clinics. He was speaking today during a workshop for community health care workers at a Nakuru hotel.

Maina noted that ageing cannot be prevented, but individuals and society should learn to deal with the rising numbers for great health care of their senior family members.

Moreover, he said older people are important members of society and have the right to live in dignity in later life. Adding that they possess skills, knowledge and experience to continue contributing to society.

Maina said positive ageing is the process of maintaining a positive attitude in old age, which includes psychological, self-care, continued participation in society, and a guaranteed source of income.

He said the county has an enviable team of community health care workers, but they lack statistics of the actual people who have attained 65 years and above, to plan well for the increasing numbers.

Apart from that, he said for a long time the county has been the preferred place for retirees due to the warm weather and location. However, he said his major concern was the loneliness of the widows and widowers, whose children are living abroad.

He urged the children to consider placing them at the local homes for the elderly to reduce the insecurity they are exposed to at their homes, from the domestic workers.



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