Procurement Authority seeks Agents

The Public Procurement Regulatory Authority has called on stakeholders and members of the public to apply for registration and licensing as agents of procurement or disposal of public assets.

In a notice in a local daily, Director General Patrick Wanjuki, announced that the Authority, mandated to license and register agents, had developed guidelines to be used by procuring entities, the authority as well as the procuring or disposing agents, for fairness, transparency and equity.

“The agents enhance and supplement capacity of procuring entities to comply with the procurement Act, while ensuring that public procurement and asset disposal systems in Kenya fully comply with fundamental principles of competition and cost effectiveness,” noted Wanjuki, in the notice.

The agents, who will be subjected to annual renewal of licenses, he added, will be engaged as a way of promoting accountability, good governance, sustainability and prudence in procurement and disposal of government assets.

“The authority has developed simplified procedures of application as well as requirements and conditions for registration and renewal of annual practicing licenses, accessible through the Authority ‘s website:,” he added.

The agents will be required to specify the categories they prefer among them: procurement of goods, consultancy and non-consultancy services, warehousing, logistics and contract management, among other categories.

The Authority that has since its inception also been conducting Market Price Indices to guide procuring entities.



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