Healthcare, war on graft tops Kisii Governor’s agenda

Kisii Governor, Simba Arati has pledged to improve the quality of health care in the county through equipping and upgrading health facilities and training health personnel.

Speaking at Gusii stadium in Kisii town after his swearing-in ceremony, Arati said those charged with the responsibility of running the medical facilities have a duty to provide health care to residents in the region.

“We have promised to equip and upgrade all our sub-county hospitals to Level Five hospitals to attend to medical conditions affecting our people while at the same time improving the quality of medical care they receive,” noted the newly sworn-in Governor.

He pointed out that his administration will pursue accountability where those charged with running public institutions will be expected to discharge their duties with uttermost diligence and undivided attention.

He noted the need for Kisii Teaching and Referral Hospital (KTRH) to generate its own revenue and pay its staff without necessarily relying on the county government.

Arati pledged to turn around the financial woes facing the county which had a huge wage bill, and workforce adding that public appointments have largely been pegged on personal connections.

“We will not hesitate to clench our fist and firmly deal with those who plunder public resources under their care. An efficient public administration can only be achieved if the county workers understand the task ahead of us,” he said.

Arati warned that those who stand in the way of change will be reprimanded and called upon the Public Service Board to work closely with the county government to oversee the gaps in personnel management and review the status of the county roll as provided in the law.

Further, he cautioned those who had grabbed government land that they will face the full force of the law because his administration has a duty to serve the residents of Kisii.

Arati’s other pledges included the Simba Shelter Scheme that will provide affordable housing, equipping Early Childhood Development Education (ECDE) centres, the establishment of school-feeding programs, and ensuring that 30 percent of procurement opportunities tenders are reserved for special interest groups.




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