Hope that new government will complete construction of stalled Kipchoge Keino Stadium

Sport fraternity from Nandi County has appealed to the new National Government to ensure the stalled Kipchoge Keino Stadium is completed.

The project which is located in Kapsabet town has stalled for over four years in its initial stages of renovation.

The National Government had promised to inject Sh200 million for the completion of the stadium but up to date it remains just a dream.

With the new Government in place, locals and sports men and women are optimistic that the facility will be completed to offer relief to many athletes who have been forced to train on roads.

“Our performance in this region is going down because of poor facilities. Some athletes use footpaths in tea plantation for speed training which is not good,” said upcoming marathon runner Brian Kiptoo.

He said the facility once complete will promote sporting activities in the region and nurture talents among youths.

The facility was named after legendary retired track and field athlete Kipchoge Keino.

During his briefing with the media at his office, Nandi Governor Stephen Sang said talks are underway with the new administration to ensure the facility is completed to enable athletes have a place to train.

“The facility stalled due to lack of funds but since we have the new Government in place, we will priorities its completion,” he said.

To offer ray of hope to many upcoming athletes within and outside the County, Nandi County Government started the construction of Eliud Kipchoge Training sports complex which is almost complete.

The project which is adjacent to the stalled stadium and whose construction work is at 90 percent comprise of training track and athletes lounge, conference hall, modern gym, clinic and physiotherapy rooms.

The sports complex began after Kipchoge broke the world marathon record in Berlin three years ago by clicking 2 hours, 1 minute and thirty-nine seconds. The county administration celebrated the feat by building the facility and naming after him.

Nandi County which pride itself as ‘the county of champions’ has produced a number of legendary athletes from Kipchoge Keino in the 1960s to Henry Rono in the 70s and now Eliud Kipchoge.

The county has 23 athletics camps which train track athletes, scholarship marathoners, road races athletes and master athletes.



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