Lack of evidence deprives abused children justice

Most suspected child abusers in Matete Sub-County are on the loose because reported cases lack sufficient evidence to sustain prosecution.

Matete Sub-County Deputy County Commissioner Philip Sigei speaking from his office in Matete on Thursday said reported child molestation cases lack evidence to enable police continue pursuing the suspected culprits and bring justice to the affected children.

Sigei revealed that parents and other close relatives are involved in child abuse, which makes it difficult for the police and other child protection bodies to proceed with cases with scanty proof.

“Investigations have shown that culprits involved in child abuse in several parts of the country are parents, uncles and other close relatives,” said Sigei.

He regretted that there were so many unreported cases of child abuse within the Sub-County and called for the state and state child rights agencies and groups to team up and ensure affected children get justice as deserved.

The DCC further pleaded with the local residents to work with relevant authorities by reporting child abuse cases within their villages so that they can get justice.

“Most cases we receive here don’t go very far because police complain of lack of evidence. You must be ready to write the statement so that the suspects can be taken to court,” he said.

The DCC however besought the Office of the Director of Public Prosecution to be present in the Sub-County so that they can be able to prepare charge sheet once police arrest child abuse suspects.

“Please officers from the ODPP avail yourselves so that arrested child abuse suspects can be taken to court within recommended hours,” DCC Sigei said.

He however challenged the County Government through Ward Administrators to enact laws which can facilitate their personnel work closely with the National Government child protection acts while handling child abuse cases.

Sigei on other hand blamed absentee parents for the upsurge in cases of incest within Matete Sub-County.

He said parents were not staying with their children because of work a scenario which promotes incest in several families.



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