Huduma Kenya vows to advance on service delivery to citizens

The Huduma Kenya Secretariat has promised Kenyans of more evolution of public services offered at the 52 Huduma Centers across the country in the coming financial year 2022/2023.

Speaking during a Huduma Kenya Service Leader quarter- four workshop at the English Point Marina in Mombasa, Director Service Delivery at the Huduma Kenya Secretariat Martin Mwangangi said that plans are underway to make sure that citizens are satisfied and trust the services provided by the one-stop shop.

Mwangangi noted that the aim of the meeting was to reflect on the performance of the various services in huduma centers for this financial year and plan for improvement for the next financial year.

“We are going to consolidate on the issue of better service delivery so that Kenyans can access seamless services across all the huduma centers nationally and can have a similar great customer experience as they get these services,” said Mwangangi.

He thanked the public for having confidence to access services at huduma centers which he attributed to the many customers received at various centers across the country.

He noted that they have introduced the Service by Appointment where citizens can book services at a particular day and time and come in at the scheduled time to access the particular service as a way to alleviate long lines.

Mwangangi added that there is also “huduma mashinani” where each huduma center organizes to go to a particular location to offer services to citizens as part of devolution of services thus being one of great innovations that has won many accolades for Huduma Kenya to enhance access to public services.

He said that the secretariat is also looking at the continuing journey of automation of government services and digitization of records.

“When you walked to a huduma center ten years ago you would be required to go the analog way so that you can access a service but following various improvements now we have biometric capture of the fingerprints. An identity card duplicate that used to take a long time to get now takes a maximum of ten days,” said Mwagangi.

The director stated that there are 138 services offered at the huduma centers adding that the Huduma Kenya Secretariat was looking up at synergies that can be created across government, sharing of data and enabling customers to have a great experience in terms of access to services.

At the same time, he asked members of the public to constantly give feedback on services they receive and charges they pay at the huduma centers.

He noted that, through the feedback they received from charges for acquiring different government services, the government has given out waiver to some services such as the registration of boda boda operators that are ongoing thus calling upon Kenyans to continue giving out feedback so that they can get the best cost in terms of services being issued.

He also urged citizens to collect their identity documents on time to reduce the backlog at the huduma centers.

Mwangangi said that to ensure the documents are sent out to customers, Huduma Kenya is working closely with national government administrative officers who are able to pick and locate citizens and take the IDs to their location.

He added that they have a Huduma Track my Service platform that is able to notify someone immediately when the documents reach huduma centers so that they can make arrangements to collect the same.

“We urge citizens to come to huduma centers to pick their IDs that will facilitate them during elections,” said Mwangangi.



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