IEBC intensify voter education in Nandi

Nandi County Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) has intensified voter education in a bid to ensure voters understand the election process to enable them participate effectively in the upcoming general election.

Apart from the voter education officers, the Commission has put a foot forward to engage church leaders, Community Based Organisations, Non-Governmental Organisations and the media to act as voter education ambassadors.

Speaking during a stakeholder’s engagement meeting held at African Inland Church (AIC) Kapsabet Bible College, County Returning Officer (CRO) Silas Rotich said election management is a collective responsibility that required partnering with all stakeholders to achieve a successful election.

Rotich urged the key stakeholders present at the forum to be at the forefront in equipping their audience with the necessary knowledge pertaining to voting as a way to ensure voters make fully informed choices thus result in successful elections.

“As IEBC, we want to ensure even as we are remaining with 21 days to the general elections that we are working as a team. We are bringing voter information to you stakeholders so that you can share with your audience in your community to ensure successful elections,” pointed out Rotich.

The County Election Manager further affirmed that IEBC is well prepared for the forth coming elections and it was ready for any correction.

He noted that the commission has employed two voter educators for each ward and one in each constituency who are going from village to village educating voters on the entire election process to make them understand how to perform the exercise successfully.

According to Rotich, voter education entails bringing to attention of voters the requirements for voting, how to mark ballot papers effectively, election date, voting time, the number of ballot papers a voter will cast, voter identification method among others.

“For one to be allowed to vote, one must have national identity card or a valid passport that was used during voter registration. It is by voting that people choose good leaders,” he noted.

Kapsabet Diocese Anglican Church of Kenya Bishop Paul Korir on his part called on the stakeholders to preach peace in the remaining days adding that all church leaders pray for the elections to come out successfully.

The bishop also applauded IEBC for conducting such forums adding that they give a platform on how to behave before and after general elections.

“It is time to intercede. The 21 days remaining is a time of prayer. Let us go down on our knees and God will stand for us,” said bishop Korir.

Nandi County has a total of 406, 393 registered voters spread in the 928 polling stations.



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