Insurance company warns clients over agents printing fake certificates

Invesco Assurance Company limited has warned its clients who are mainly vehicle owners to be wary of agents printing fake certificates in their name.

Addressing the media yesterday, the company’s Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Daniel Mugao noted that it had come to their attention that the agents have been receiving premiums from clients and in return print fake certificates which are not captured in their system.

“The agents have been serving the clients and out of nowhere they have decided to make money by printing fake certificates.

“We are warning vehicle owners to ensure they check the authenticity of the documents before they put their vehicles on the road as we will not be responsible in case of an accident,” said Mr Mugao.

Mr Mugao further said already more than 24 vehicles in Meru town had fallen victims of this syndicate and they were summoned to Meru police station where they wrote statements that will help police officers in their investigations into the matter.

“We informed the police of the issue and we are grateful they cooperated with us to end this vice that is meant to tarnish the name of the company,” said Mr Mugao.

He clarified that the agents are not usually their employees but only enjoy commissions after getting a client on behalf of the company.

“We are disowning and issuing a strong warning to the agents in Meru who were responsible for this mess and we will report them to the Insurance Regulatory Authority (IRA) to cancel their licenses and be punished for conning of innocent Kenyans,” said Mr Mugao.

Mr Geoffrey Mwenda, the owner of one of the vehicles with a fake certificate said he never knew that his insurance cover had a problem until he was summoned to the police station.

“We were only told that we are not in the insurance company’s system and therefore we are supposed to report to police station to shed more light into the issue,” said Mr Mwenda.

Another victim Geoffrey Mwiti said they could not suspect that their certificates were fake since they had been giving premiums to the agent without any suspicion.



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