Kajiado Boda boda operators benefit from registration exercise 

Over 1,500 boda boda operators in Kajiado North sub-county have registered in the ongoing boda boda registration exercise, which is aimed at identifying legitimate operators and registering them in a national database to root out criminals from the sector.

According to the Ngong chief George Kimemia, biometric registration exercise is important, as it will create transparency and improve security in the transport industry.

“There has been a good turnout for the exercise. The government directive to have biometrics registration exercise will help the government and operators to identify criminals posing as boda boda operators by issuing qualified riders with smart licences,” said Kimemia.

The Chairman of the boda boda association in Matasia Danson Langas has lauded the steps taken by the government to decentralise the exercise from the Huduma centres to the grass root levels.

“We appreciate the government effort in bringing the registration service to the people because initially operators in Matasia had to travel over thirty-five kilometres to the Huduma Centre at Kisamis. I have mobilized members from my Sacco to take part in the registration and expect to have at least sixty members registered,” said Langas.

The Kajiado North sub-county police commander Joakim Mecha urged boda boda operators in Kajiado to take advantage of the ongoing registration to enhance collaborative efforts with the police in identifying criminals tainting the image of the industry.



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