Kajiado residents living in fear of leopard attack

Residents of Lekuruki in Kajiado County are living in fear of a leopard attack after several reported sightings of the predatory cat in the area.

According to Ali Mohammed, a Lekuruki resident, the leopard sightings has imposed an evening curfew on the residents who have to be indoors early because of fear of an attack.

“The leopard roams in this area from around 7pm and can at times be seen on top of trees. Since the leopard was spotted a week ago, we have to be indoors early but a drunk person returning home late may still fall victim and be attacked,” said Mohammed.

Another resident Santeo Kweticus said he alerted the Kenya Wildlife Service to the presence of the leopard in the area and they responded by installing a trap in the area where residents have frequently sighted the leopard.

“I called the Kenya Wildlife Service after I spotted the leopard hiding in my compound four times. The Kenya Wildlife Service came and installed a trap. They reassured us that the leopard is interested in hunting for goats and not people but we are afraid to be outside during the night,” said Santeo.

Santeo has said that a dog and monkey have fallen prey to the leopard that is suspected to originate from the Ngong forest. He said that although the leopard is still in the area, it has not been caught by the trap.

The residents have called for a speedy intervention of the Kenya Wildlife Service (KWS) for capture and removal of the leopard from the area to end the night curfew citing safety concerns.



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