Kalonzo dismiss claims of vote rigging

Wiper Party leader Kalonzo Musyoka has dismissed claims by the Kenya Kwanza coalition over an alleged vote rigging plot.

Addressing Mombasa residents on Saturday, Kalonzo warned that such unsubstantiated claims have no basis and warned Deputy President William Ruto to prepare for defeat.

“Those who claim that there will be vote rigging have sensed defeat. There is one man, William Ruto who calls himself hustler but the real hustlers are here with us,” added Kalonzo.

He told the residents that the Ruto camp has nothing to offer the country saying it is composed of individuals with questionable characters.

“They walk around calling themselves hustlers after stealing from Kenyans,” added Kalonzo.

Kalonzo, who made several stop rallies in Shanzu, Bombululu and Kongowea areas, told the residents to vote for Azimio la Umoja presidential candidate Raila Odinga in the August 8 polls.

He reiterated his commitment to staying in the Azimio coalition expressing hope of being Raila’s running mate.

“As I have said, we shall sort out the issue of running mate with Raila, President Kenyatta and Gideon Moi,” he added.

The Wiper team who concluded their two day tour of Mombasa to popularise former Nairobi Governor Mike Sonko candidature for the same position in Mombasa County were forced to halt their earlier plan to hold a rally at Tononoka grounds.

This was after the county government blocked them from using the ground on claims that it had been booked for another event.

Sonko and Kalonzo accused Governor Hassan Joho of theatrics following a tilt in the political landscape since Sonko’s entry into the gubernatorial race.

The Wiper team however found their way into the historical ground amid heavy police presence and addressed a crowd that had camped for the better part of the afternoon.

Kalonzo told the crowd that Joho and his team were fearful of Sonko whom he said has come to fill the void left by politician Suleiman Shabhal, who had stepped down to support Mvita MP Abdulswamad Nassir as the ODM party flag bearer.

“Our brothers are playing an unfair game but we are equally prepared to face them. Sonko has changed his political base from Nairobi to Mombasa to rescue this second city after Nairobi from the shackles of poor leadership and poverty,” added Kalonzo.

Kalonzo told Nassir and former Mombasa Senator Hassan Omar of UDA to back Sonko’s candidature to bring change to the Coastal city.

“Nassir and Omar should support Sonko to liberate and rescue Mombasa residents. There are winds of change over this second largest city in our country,” he added

Sonko promised the residents that he would return after two weeks to officially launch his candidature in the same ground.

“I assure you there will be a bigger bid launch in Tononoka ground. It will be a turning point in the politics of Mombasa that has been dominated by one family. We will end the reign of deceptive leadership and address the real issue facing common people,” he added.

Sonko announced deployment of his famous Sonko Rescue Team to transport bodies to upcountry for burial and 20 ambulances to help transport sick to hospitals and foot their hospital expenses.

He also promised to pay for expenses for Muslims burials especially for the poor and destitute families.



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