Karua warns Kenyans against electing leaders with questionable integrity

Azimio la Umoja- One Kenya presidential running mate, Martha Karua, today, continued to drum-up support for Raila Odinga’s candidature in Ukambani, where she has urged Kenyans to reject candidates with questionable integrity in the coming General Elections.

Karua said that what stands out about their competitors is a trail of graft in whichever role they have ever held, therefore, Kenyans should not vote blindly without interrogating their integrity.

“We know their dark history in public service. They leave graft scandals in their wake because they are motivated by greed rather than addressing the problems bedeviling wananchi,” she noted.

Karua further said that if Kenyans elect corrupt leaders, there will be no finances to deliver even the basic services to them thus they should elect a team that will take Kenya to another level.

Karua further said the Azimio administration led by Raila Odinga, will be founded on the rule of law and zero tolerance on corruption.

“We are keen on improving the lives of Kenyans through provision of quality healthcare for all, adequate water, a revamped agriculture sector to enhance food security and social protection for vulnerable families,” she emphasized.

She was accompanied by governors Charity Ngilu (Kitui) and Kivutha Kibwana (Makueni), and Mukhisa Kituyi, among other leaders.

The Azimio brigade addressed rallies at Kamutei market in Kitui South, Zombe and Mutitu centers in Kitui East before concluding their day-long vote-hunt tour of Kitui and Makueni at Kwa Vonza Trading center in Kitui Rural.



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