Karua vows to intensify fight against corruption if Azimio forms next government

Azimio-One Kenya Alliance presidential running mate Martha Karua has said she will not allow corruption in the public sector if the alliance forms the next government.

During her campaigns in parts of Murang’a on Friday, Karua said corruption has denied Kenyans better services and as leaders of Azimio, they will stop fraud and ensure public funds are used for intended purposes.

Wooing votes in her stopovers at Kiriani, Kangema, Mukuyu and Kenol trading centres, the Narc-Kenya leader said she and the Azimio presidential candidate have never entertained corruption when they served in various government posts in the past.

She stressed that this is the time to end corruption and ensure the rights of Kenyans are taken care of.

“Kenyans know very well who are behind runaway corruption. They know the right leaders to change this country for the better. Think well before you fall into tricks of those giving empty promises,” she stated.

Karua praised Raila saying despite losing in past elections, he has never stopped fighting for better lives for all Kenyans.

He pleaded with people from Mt Kenya region not to be left outside the government exuding confidence that Azimio-One Kenya Alliance will form the next government.

“Promises given by Azimio presidential candidate are realistic, Baba-care programme will ensure all Kenyans get better medical services and the Sh6,000 for the poor families is attainable. Kenya has many resources but the problem is corruption which needs to be stopped,” Karua said.

Karua called upon Kenyans to embrace peace and listen to each candidate saying the final decision is with the mwananchi.

“Listen to all seeking elective positions and make the right decision. No need to heckle and cause mayhem if you are not a supporter of a particular leader. Exercise political maturity as we want peace during the campaigning period,” she added.

Other leaders who accompanied Karua, said the better future of the country lies with Azimio-One Kenya Alliance.

Agriculture Cabinet Secretary Peter Munya said if Azimio wins, reforms in agricultural sector will continue to ensure farmers get better returns from their produce.

He observed that agriculture has been in the hands of cartels who always benefit at the expense of farmers.

“We initiated reforms in the tea and coffee sectors which are currently bearing fruits. These reforms will not stop until we clean up the problems and hurdles hindering farmers from better returns,” asserted Munya.

On his part, Murang’a gubernatorial aspirant on Jubilee Party ticket Jamleck Kamau termed Karua as a reformist and someone who cannot be arm-twisted saying she is well suited to fight corruption.

Kamau appealed to Murang’a residents not to be swayed away by handouts but instead support the team which will ensure equity in resource distribution and advance development.



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