Youths attempt to disrupt assembly proceedings

Tension was high in Homa-Bay County Assembly this morning after a group of the youth attempted to disrupt proceedings.

The youth intended to curtail proceedings for the ouster of two members of the assembly from the County Assembly Service Board.

The group of rowdy youth gathered at the county assembly and blocked the county assembly gate to prevent members from accessing the assembly.

The youth wanted to stop MCAs from passing a motion of removing Kwabwai MCA Richard Ogindo and his Kanyaluo counterpart Jeff Ongoro from the county Assembly service board.

The youth barricaded the County Assembly gate before the Police dispersed them with teargas to restore order in the assembly.

Earlier some MCAs who seemed to have been aware of the youths’ plans arrived in the county assembly before 7.30 am to outwit the youth.

At about 9.30am, the MCAs began their debate which led to removal of Ogindo and Ongoro from the board after Majority Whip Dan Were moved the motion for removing them.

MCAs James Ochieng’ of Kabondo East Ward, Judith Omogi (nominated), Charles Awino (Gem West), Paul Adika (Lambwe) and Walter Muok (Kanyadoto) accused them of interfering with the board, leading to failure of remitting MCAs’ gratuity deductions for eight months.

“Personally, my gratuity worth Sh200,000 has not been remitted for the last eight months and this applies to all members who are here,” Ochieng’ said.

They also accused the two leaders of interfering with the board, causing delay in remission of MCAs’ deductions to the Local Authority Pension (LAP) Fund.

Adika argued that even the deduction for the LAP fund was remitted late after the MCAs raised an alarm.

“The board delayed remission of our LAP fund contribution for five months before they were remitted last week after we protested” Adika said.

The MCAs also accused their colleagues of interfering with the board, causing frustration of workers.

Omogi argued that the frustration had led to unnecessary demotion and transfer of the county assembly workers.

“We want to leave this assembly orderly for those who are coming after August to proceed well,” Omogi said.

Ogindo and Ongoro were replaced with Majority Leader Oscar Abote of South Kabuoch ward and Juma Awuor of Homa Bay Town East ward.

The Deputy Speaker Ellyas Orondo who was the presiding speaker ruled that the changes took effect immediately.

“Following members’ debate, the House adopts the changes which kick off with immediate effect,” said Orondo.



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