Kazi Mtaani to benefit over 40, 000 youths in Kiambu

Kiambu County Kazi Mtaani programme will in its third cohort accommodate 44,900 youth up from the last 23,000 who were each in the previous two cohorts.

Speaking Monday when launching the third phase of the programme that will run until September this year, Kiambu County Commissioner Joshua Nkanatha said the number has doubled showing the government’s commitment to ensure the youth do not stay idle.

The third phase, the CC said, would also see the beneficiaries receive their payment via M-pesa platform after every nine days unlike in the previous when they used to get paid after 11 days.

Nkanatha said although the programme is meant to benefit the youth, most of them do not take it seriously and urged them to ensure that they worked hard and also invested in the money they got. “Take this job seriously as it is an opportunity for you to also get other jobs in future,” he urged.

“This is a very good opportunity that the government has given you. I want to urge you not to engage in miraa chewing and alcoholism but use the payment you get through the programme to build yourselves,” advised the CC.

The administrator also appealed to the youth to ensure they give their correct personal details so that they do not experience challenges with payments as they have had before.

“We have had in the previous programmes where the youth gave the wrong M-pesa number or their guardians and end up not receiving their payment as is supposed to be. For easier payments, give out the mobile number registered with your Identity card and not your guardians,” Nkanatha said.

He also called upon the youth not to be conned or be asked for a bribe in order for them to participate in the programme.

“This is a government initiative and it is free of charge. If any of you is asked for a bribe in order to get employed, my door is open, you can come and report it,” he said.

Kiambu County Director of Housing Michael Kiarie urged the youth to be consistent during the work and invest in the money they got.

The youth are normally engaged in garbage collection, planting trees where there is availability of space, improving access roads and footpaths for ease of movement and the programme according to Kiarie has been very crucial in improving the sanitary and environmental conditions in many parts Kiambu

Kiarie explained that in this third cohort programme, out of the 15 sub counties, Thika will have the highest number of workers, with Thika West acquiring 8,000 and Thika East 1,600 totaling 9,600.

Githurai and Ndeiya Sub- Counties which previously did not have kazi mtaani programme will get 3,000 and 1,266 workers respectively.

Kiambu, Kiambaa, Kikuyu and Githunguri will have 3,000 workers each. Kabete, Lari and Limuru will have 2,500, 2,975 and 2300 workers consecutively while Ruiru and Juja will have 5,400 workers and Gatundu North and South will have 4,400.

Kiambu County Youth Officer John Mwangi urged the youth to be committed and take up such opportunities such as the kazi mtaani offered by the government.

He further urged the youth to invest in money they get to develop the ideas they have however small the money may be. “Several of you have done great things using this money. Do not use it to destroy your life,” he counselled.

Kiambu Sub-County chairperson of peace Initiative Beatrice Ndichu advised the youth to refrain from being used as vessels of violence especially at this time of the campaigns and in the upcoming election but to ensure that they engaged in the programmes that would not only build them but also give them something in their pockets.

“Promote peace during this time while working together and avoid dirty politics,” Ms Ndichu said.

The government approved the budget of Sh3 billion for the third cohort of the Kazi Mtaani programme which was launched nationally Monday. The programme started on April 2020 as a social protection programme for youths to cushion them against the adverse effects of Corona virus.

In Kiambu, phase one employed 2,300 youths. The Second phase employed 23,884 while the Third phase will see 44,900 youth employed and each youth will receive Sh450 per day with Supervisors getting Sh505 per day



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